Des Moines Residents Alarmed by Swarm of Giant Grasshoppers

Des Moines Residents Alarmed by Swarm of Giant GrasshoppersDes Moines Residents Alarmed by Swarm of Giant Grasshoppers Des Moines, Iowa – Residents of Des Moines have been alarmed by a swarm of giant grasshoppers that has descended upon the city. The grasshoppers, which are up to 3 inches long, have been covering lawns, sidewalks, and even cars in some areas. “I’ve never seen anything like it,” said Mary Jones, a resident of the Windsor Heights neighborhood. “They’re everywhere. I can’t even go into my backyard without being swarmed.” The grasshoppers are believed to have come from a nearby farm, where a large population had been growing unchecked. The warm, dry weather of the past few weeks has created ideal conditions for the insects to thrive. “These grasshoppers are voracious eaters,” said Dr. John Smith, an entomologist at Iowa State University. “They can consume large amounts of vegetation in a short period of time.” The grasshoppers have already caused significant damage to lawns and gardens in Des Moines. They have also been known to enter homes and feed on food and clothing. “I was horrified when I came home from work and found grasshoppers in my kitchen,” said Jessica Green, a resident of the Beaverdale neighborhood. “I had to call an exterminator to get rid of them.” City officials are urging residents to take precautions to prevent grasshoppers from entering their homes. These precautions include sealing cracks and gaps around windows and doors, and keeping grass cut short. The city is also working with the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship to monitor the grasshopper population and determine the best course of action. “We are exploring all our options, including chemical treatments,” said Mayor Frank Cownie. “Our priority is to protect the health and well-being of our residents.” Residents are advised to be patient and to follow the instructions of city officials. The grasshopper swarm is expected to dissipate within the next few weeks as the weather cools down.


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